Teamviewer session time limit
Teamviewer session time limit

teamviewer session time limit

To record the device screen, complete the following steps: If the maximum recording time is exceeded, a notification pop-up shows and the recording stops.The QoS function is not available while recording a video.Up to 10 minutes of video can be recorded.Recorded videos are saved in WEBM format and contain an administrator ID, Tenant ID, Device name, and date and time recorded.For more information about the functions of the RS web-based viewer, see Using the functions of the RS web-based Viewer. Perform any IT service or repair activities to the target device using this viewer.The response time may slow down as the transfer quality improves. If you select automatic, dynamically sized data can be transferred using the QoS method according to the network condition, thus improving the network’s data transfer quality. You can also select 30%, 50%, or 100% as this value. Transfer Quality- The default transfer quality value is Automatic.Settings tab- You can set the Transfer Quality on this tab.Information tab-You can see the detailed device information such as device model name, IMEI, Serial number, and OS version.Remote Support tab- You can see the history of the connected device activities such as the connected time, as well as the history of any record, screen capture, or file transfer processes.After successfully connecting to the target device, you can now see the connected device's information and set the Transfer Quality.Instruct the device user to install the latest version of the RS App.To control the user’s devices remotely with the Remote Support web-based viewer, complete the following steps: You can now control the target device using the Remote Support web-based viewer.Ĭontrol devices with the RS web-based viewer Provide the 6-digit access code on this page to the device user that requested remote support assistance. On the Knox Manage Remote Support page that opens, you see all the information you need to connect to the remote device, including a 6-digit access code.If you want to change the way the app runs on the target device, in the Run Type list, click to select the appropriate option.In the Viewer Type list, click to select Web Viewer.On the Remote Support screen that opens, complete the following steps:.

teamviewer session time limit

On the Devices page, select the box for the device you want to access using web-based Remote Support viewer, and then click Remote Support.To connect to the target device using the web-based Remote Support viewer: The web version of Remote Support provides the same features as the standalone version, such as unattended mode and screen sharing. KM currently includes two flavors of the Remote Support tool: In cases where the device users need additional troubleshooting and support from IT admins, they may request a remote support session where the IT admin connects to the target device from their computer and runs diagnostics or fixes issues remotely.

Teamviewer session time limit